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BC Rising. Together We Rise.

Election Readiness

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BCRising, BC Rising, Elections, Voting
Preparing for the BC Provincial Election

Election Day: Saturday, October 19, 2024

Authorized by BC Rising; Paul Jordan, a registered sponsor under the BC Election Act, (250) 883-7402.

Main Political Candidates & Parties
BC Political Parties* Leader / Office Website
BC Greens Sonia Furstenau
BC NDP David Eby
BC United Kevin Falcon
Conservative Party of BC John Rustad
Freedom Party of British Columbia Amrit Birring
Heritage Christian Party of Canada Rod Taylor
List of Registered Political Parties (15) Elections BC
*alphabetical order
Independent Candidates* Electoral District Website
Amandeep Singh Abbotsford South
James Davison Abbotsford West
John Hedican Courtenay-Comox
Devin Howell Courtenay-Comox
Eden Haythornthwaite Cowichan Valley
Corinne Mori Kootenay Central
Adam Walker Ladysmith-Oceanside
Mitchell Baker North Vancouver-Seymour
Roger Harrington Penticton-Summerland
Dickens Cheung Richmond Centre
Kabir Qurban Surrey-Guildford
*listed on Elections BC (updated Sept 3, 2024); in alphabetic order per electoral district
Supportive Initiatives & Materials Details Website
BC Political Scorecards & Foundational Political Pledge View Political Scorecards – Search “BC”
Independent BC Source of info for independents
338Canada Poll Political Polls
SmartVote BC 2024 Learn How to Vote Smart

Find Your Electoral District

Visit website HERE

Where are the 93 ridings in BC?

Click here to view a map of the electoral ridings.

Smart Vote BC 2024

Let’s Vote Smart

Authorized by BC Rising; Paul Jordan, a registered sponsor under the BC Election Act, (250) 883-7402.

Political Scorecards canada

Political Scorecards Explained

A presentation at the Oceanside Townhall in Coombs BC, August 28th 2024. Introducing ”Smart Vote BC 2024″ and the “Political Scorecards” system. Political accountability and Transparency.

Never enter a voting station uninformed again !!

The Political Scorecards Canada/Foundational Political Pledge is funded by its founder and independent of political and activist affiliations. It calls on all people to demand their representatives protect our individual rights and freedoms from coercive policies and legislation at all times.

For the People

Learn About Elected Representatives & Candidates

  • Access scorecards to learn about your Elected Representatives and Candidates performance

Help Build Scorecards

  • Submit a performance report. This would include a verified public statement of a political candidate or representative either supporting or not supporting our rights and freedoms

Help Distribute Scorecards in Your Community

  • Download, print and share scorecards locally  – access HERE

Join the People in a Pledge

For the Politician

Candidate Pledge & Questionnaire PackEt

The candidate Pledge and Questionnaire packet (example in picture above) has been developed for you to give to candidates either in person or by mail.

The packet includes:

  • A letter of introduction to SmartVoteBC2024
  • The Politician’s Pledge for Good Governance
  • Questionnaire on health care, emergency management, emergency powers, housing, land & title, constitutional rights, taxation, parental authority and the safe supply narcotics programme

338 Canada – Electoral Projections

The 338Canada project is a statistical model of electoral projections based on opinion polls, electoral history, and demographic data. This web site is a creation of Philippe J. Fournier, physics and astrophysics professor at Cégep de Saint-Laurent in Montreal.

How Polls Work

The efficacy and the scientific approach polling brings to elections – watch HERE

Answers to questions on projection models, polling methods and more – watch HERE

Distribute Election Readiness Flyer

ShipPrint – 1-2 day printing & direct shipping

Colour One Per Page Two Per Page
8.5 X 11 4.25 X 5.5
Total Cost/Flyer Total Cost/Flyer
1000 $250 0.25 $125.00 0.13
3000 $525 0.18 $262.50 0.09
5000 $750 0.15 $375.00 0.08


VistaPrint – Receive order within a week

Colour One Per Page Two Per Page
8.5 X 11 5 X 7
Total Cost/Flyer Total Cost/Flyer
1000 $198.70 0.20 $79.60 0.08
3000 $405.00 0.14 $195.80 0.07
5000 $605.70 0.12 $323.10 0.06

NOTE: Printing quotes are estimates; please contact printer directly for exact prices.

In addition to the above print/copy services, it is also a valuable option to visit your local print shop(s) & find one that will support your efforts by providing a discount.

Join the Election Awareness Online Team

Weekly Meetings every Thursday:

  • 5:30pm – for goal setting and troubleshooting
  • 6:30pm – for Newcomers – to learn how

For more information and meeting link, email

Join the Fun – Create a Streetbeat Group


Have you ever wanted to be a reporter? Do you enjoy connecting with new people? Are you naturally curious? If so, you may enjoy hitting the streets and connecting with people to find out about their experience as a BC resident and what their hopes are for the future.


  • Invite some friends and create your own Streetbeat group – or venture out on your own if preferred
  • Print the Streetbeat questionnaire form (access below) – you may want multiple copies!
  • Print copies of the above Election Readiness flyer so you have something to give to the people that want to know how to access more information.
  • Now you are ready to head to the streets and begin engaging with the public 🙂
  • When complete, if you have people that expressed interest in receiving updates and/or resources, scan or take a screen shot of your form and email it to

Have fun and remember, you do not need to know all the answers, you are simply taking the time to connect with the public, create some awareness and engage in open dialogue about BC and the upcoming election..

Learn About BC Bills 31, 36, 44, 46 & 47

BC Bills Explained at Townhalls Across BC

Comox, BC
Coombs, BC
Victoria, BC

BC Townhalls 2024 Initiative

BCTOWNHALLS2024 operate as a self-funded, non-partisan organization, independent of political and activist groups, dedicated to transparency and inclusivity. They are committed to revitalizing the tradition of face-to-face dialogue in a digital era. Their vision is a community where each voice is not only heard but respected, fostering unity, understanding, and informed decision-making. By organizing live, moderated town-hall discussions on vital issues, we enable citizens to engage critically with experts, officials, and one another in a neutral, respectful setting.

Are you interested in starting a townhall or townhome in your community?

Email and the central guidance team will provide the help and support you need to create a successful event.

Watch Previous Townhalls to Learn About Recently Passed BC Bills

Above is Dr. Malthouse speaking at the first townhall that took place in Victoria, BC – watch HERE.

To find out more about Bills being passed in BC, visit BC TownHalls 2024 REPLAY.

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Downloads & Resources

We will add downloadable resources here as we collect them

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