BC 15-Minute Smart City Coalition Zoom Meeting Featuring: Farrell Segall, Engineer and Former City Councilor
Pre-Requisite – View Part 1 and 2 of Investigating 15 Minute cities presentations:
Part 1: https://librti.com/view-video/investigating-15-minute-cities-geoff
Part 2: https://rumble.com/v2x9t0m-15-minute-city-presentation-part-2.html
Join the Meeting By Opening This Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84919819246?pwd=ZDRjalU4S2s4eGs0cHQ5dnMvYzJIUT09
or Dial-in 778-907-2071 Canada
Meeting ID: 819 1669 1842
Passcode: 258850
Meeting Format
Thank you for joining this Provincial Action Coalition
The Meeting Format provides a framework to facilitate best practices as it relates to staying on topic and being respectful of our time.
- Most of our time together will be dedicated to the agenda. We ask that you kindly keep your questions specific to the agenda topics. Comments and thoughts on other topics, unrelated to the agenda item being presented, can be posted in the chat.
- Once the agenda is complete, should time allow, there will be time for open discussion. The open discussion portion of the meeting is fluid and organic and meant to facilitate community and relationship building and exploring ideas.
- If you would like to be added to the agenda for a future meeting, please email: BC15Min@proton.me
- At the start of the meeting, feel free to post your group email, the area you live in, along with your contact details in the chat. This will facilitate meeting “neighbors”. At the end of the meeting be sure to download the chat to retain contact information.
- The Q&A following each agenda item is meant to be focused and to the point to allow as many people the opportunity to comment as possible.
- A heartfelt thank you to our presenters. You are all courageous leaders and unsung heroes of our time.
- In order to facilitate open and frank discussion we request that these meetings not be recorded.
- To facilitate openness and trust, we would appreciate you keeping your camera on during the meeting.
**A Note About Privacy
By registering you agree to participate in a Zoom call open to subscribers and their contacts. Information shared during the Zoom call is available to all participants, including images, your name, chat or oral comments and questions. Please use your own discretion since we cannot guarantee your privacy. Suggested steps you can take if this is a concern: please consider using your first name only or an alias; keep your video off; and refrain from sharing personal identifying details in the chat.