What are the Risks of wearing A Mask?
- Self-contamination due to handling mask and touching eyes.
- Self-contamination from wet or soiled masks with microorganisms
- Headache or breathing difficulties
- Facial skin lesions, irritant dermatitis or worsening acne
- Difficulty of communicating clearly
Masks diminish the quality of our relationships, trust people less, divide us and when we cannot see each other’s smiles we fear people more.

More than 170 research articles showing masks do more harm than good!
Brownstone Institute, Dr. P. Alexander (Dec 20, 2021) – access research articles
Wester Standard News (Jan 13, 2025): BC nurse risking it all in stand against mask mandate – read full article
Masks contain polypropylene microplastics, which surgeons find in lung tissue during surgery. These microplastics were first found in lungs during the pandemic.
- USA Today (Apr 8, 2022): Researchers find microplastics deep in the lungs of living people for the first time – read full article
- National Public Radio (Apr 6, 2022): For the first time, researchers find microplastics deep in the lungs of living people – read full article
- The Guardian (Apr 6, 2022): 11 out of 13 patients, for the first time surgeons found plastics in their lungs – read full article
May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influence and face masks – access study
Nov 2020 Danish randomized controlled trial with 6000 participants, published in Medicine – access study
Oct 2020 randomized controlled trial with 8000 participants, published in published in PLOS – access study
Feb 2021 European CDC no evidence supporting masks, advise against use of N95 masks – access study

Common Law Education & Rights (CLEAR)
Visit CLEAR to access educational resources that will allow you to explore the effectiveness and safety of masks.
Articles, documents and court cases – access resources
Mask studies – access HERE
Videos explaining why masks don’t work – access videos
Canadian Citizens Care Alliance

Unmask Canada
Unmask Canada is a national campaign to educate and empower Canadians to take off the mask and take back their lives. Their mission is to unmask the truth and expose the lies we are told in mainstream media and by those in power.
Visit their website to find resources, educational materials, and more.

Unmask YOur Kids
41 Abstracts with Face Masks (Lack of Safety and Ineffectiveness Research) Research.
Access Face Masks Abstracts HERE.
Visit Unmask Your Kids to access more mask research and resources.

Smile Free
The evidence simply is not good enough to justify compulsory face masks. In fact they come with numerous harms, and should go for good right now.
Visit Smile Free to access mask evidence, mask harms, resources, templates, new and articles.
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